The worst oppression is that of knowledge. I think, an
expert who assumes he has right to direct you is the most cruel oppressor. If
one speaks and gives 'advice' without concerning his audience, their needs and capacities, he actually tries to maintain his authority over them. Knowledge, in this
sense, becomes a tool in hands of an expert for sucking all
the nourishment from non-expert people.
Look at those so-called possessors of knowledge. They are as
if gods of the society. Any word coming from their mouths
gains an authorization quickly. However, their words not always open locked doors, rather sometimes lock the doors to people in order to keep their privileged position
in the society. They consider themselves as ‘gatekeepers’ keeping lay people
away from the source of knowledge. They are afraid of that once people get
access to the sources, there would be no need for these so-called keepers of
Knowledge is only about to change one’s self. Therefore, no
knowledgeable person has right to alter life of others by way of using his
expertise, by way of oppressing people’s minds and wills. This is the most
prevalent and fewest known type of oppression.